Countdown to WRX of Spain (CEST)

06 Jul 2012

PR: Magda Andersson

Category: Press Releases Posted 06.07.12 17:42 by

Junior Rallycross (JRX) Cup driver Swedish girl Magda Andersson from Skåne is sponsored by Huddig AB.


A three years sponsoring contract has been signed between the backhoe loader company Huddig AB and the Junior Rallycross Cup driver Magda Andersson (DOB 14.07.1998). Huddig AB and Huddig’s dealer Grävlastarbolaget are Andersson’s main sponsors in the new JRX Cup series. The sponsorchip of Magda Andersson is a part of Huddig’s building of their brand. Huddig’s colours and logotype are shown on Andersson’s helmet, her clothes and the team bus, the Rallycross car is also marked with Huddig’s colours and logotypes.

Huddig AB’s commercial manager Pär Eriksson emphasizes that the company wants to support Magda’s motosport career from the start on and that the point is to make a long-term investment with her. “We’re proud to be Magda’s main sponsor with our dealer Grävlastarbolaget. Both, we at Huddig and Magda have the same goal but we fight in different arenas. We want to reach the top in Europe and that’s why I think that we can help each other,” says Eriksson.

Huddig customers are all entrepreneurs who are also interested in motorsport. Huddig AB, which developes, produces and sells Huddig 1060C and Huddig 1260C backhoe loaders to the electricity, the railway and the entrepreneur market is already the biggest company in Sweden to sell backhoe loaders. Also at the world market Huddig’s backhoe loaders are unique because of their oscillating waist and versatility. The backhoe loaders stands for strength, comfort and high quality.

The JRX Cup is a new form of competition for 14 to 18 year old youngsters. The competition is new for this year and in the first season hand-picked youngsters from different countries compete. “It’s really important for me that Huddig AB has decided to stand by my side over the next three years. Because of my sponsors I can do what I love and hopefully reach my goals,” says Magda Andersson. Magda isn’t afraid of the competition, which means high-speed, dangerous situations and close contact with other cars. “I love to drive,” she says bravely. The next time one can see Magda Andersson drive is in August in the ERC rounds of Belgium and The Netherlands.


Photo: Magda Andersson and her JRX Cup “Mercedes A-Class” Special. © MA/ERC24