Countdown to WRX of Spain (CEST)

09 Oct 2013

Sweden: SC Lites Invasion

Category: Miscellaneous, News Posted 09.10.13 21:00 by

After a successful first season in the GRC series the SuperCar Lites category is set to arrive in Europe. Next year’s Swedish Rallycross Championship, that will be held alongside the STCC series, is going to add the Lites vehicles to the all-new Rallycross SuperCar Scandinavia class.


Last Sunday the first tests were organised by OlsbergsMSE and STCC at the race track Kinnekulle Ring near Götene in Sweden. More than twenty drivers from different branches of motorsport attended the meeting and had the chance to test those new SuperCar Lites.

“We want to help young drivers on their way to a racing career. Just look at Joni [Wiman], who is an official Champion of the GRC now, yesterday he competed for the first time in SuperCars [in the Finale of the 2013 Swedish Rallycross Championship]. The Lites category is the future for the next generation of Rallycross drivers. We have worked hard to develop a fine car that works great now. We did a lot of testing, and this resulted in very well working machinery,” said OMSE CEO Andréas Eriksson.

It is worth to mention that during the last round of the Global RallyCross Championship (GRC) in Charlotte, North Carolina, some SuperCar Lites were just one second per practice lap slower than the best drivers in the SuperCars category.

In getting to know how to handle the new cars tuitition came from the regular GRC Lites drivers Kevin Eriksson [son of OMSE boss Andréas] and Sebastian Eriksson. The tests were also attended by Finn Joni Wiman, the first ever Lites champion. In Kinnekulle drivers from Karting, STCC and JTCC [the junior class], Rally, Folkrace and of course Rallycross showed their interest in the project.

“It was my first time ever in a 4WD Rallycross car and it felt really, really good. The Lites are great cars to drive. Of course one need to work more in the Lites than in the Super1600s that I’m used to. I hope that I will have the opportunity to do it again soon. I’m impressed by the whole Rallycross SuperCar Scandinavia Lites project and I think it will become a big success in Sweden next year,” said RallycrossRX Super1600s regular Erik Färén after the test to ERC24.

The next SuperCar Lites test day will be held on October 14 in Karlstad, the Monday after the annual ‘NGK Masters’ event of the Swedish Folkrace drivers on Saturday October 12.