Countdown to WRX of Spain (CEST)

17 Apr 2014

Ekström: Time to RX ‘n’ Roll

Category: ERC, News Posted 17.04.14 17:00 by

Mattias Ekström has announced that he has found his own team by the name of ‘EKS’ to race in future Rallycross events.


Swede Mattias Ekström has spread out the following PR text today: “I was grown up in Rallycross paddocks, when my father Bengt was part of the sport in the 1980s and early 1990s. He raced in the European Rallycross Championship, but I’m going to top what he did. In my new team there will be not only a lot of enthusiasm, but also 20 years of experience from racing in DTM, STCC, NASCAR, V8 SuperCars, Le Mans, World Rally Championship and Rallycross. The fans are going to see four-wheel driven SuperCars with 600bhp, short race tracks with mixed gravel and tarmac surface, and action packed fights. My motto will continue to be ‘Go hard or go home’. The rules are easy to understand, and thanks to IMG the interest in Rallycross has raised immensely over a very short time. We are working hard at the moment to let the season 2014 ‘RX ‘n’ Roll’. I cannot tell you more at the moment, but if you stay tuned at social media (#gohardorgohome und #eksrx) we are going to inform you about all our steps to follow in due time.”


1990 France: The Ekström family pictured in the Circuit de Chenevières paddock at Lunéville. © EKS/ERC24

France 1990: The Ekström family pictured in the Circuit de Jean-Pierre Beltoise paddock at Paris-Trappes. © EKS/ERC24


Ireland 1990: Bengt Ekström and his Group A BMW M3 pictured at the Mondello Park Circuit near Naas. © EL/ERC24

Ireland 1990: Bengt Ekström and his Group A BMW M3 pictured at the Mondello Park Circuit near Naas. © EL/ERC24


Top photo: Last year ‘Eki’ flew a VW Polo Mk5 SuperCar to 2nd place overall in his native ERC round at Höljes. © JKR/ERC24