Countdown to WRX of Spain (CEST)

13 Apr 2015

13.04.2015 Birthday Card

Category: Birthday Card, Shortcuts Posted 13.04.15 00:39 by

ERC24 has a list with the dates of birth of several hundred current and former Rallycross drivers. For every day we are trying to find a nice photo for this our ‘Birthday Card’. Enjoy!


April 13 2015 is the >70th< birthday of Swedish ex-Rallycrosser Börje Carlsson, here pictured with his Volvo 343/16 during the Danish 1981 European Rallycross Championship round at the Ring Djursland near Grenaa while leading his make-colleagues fellow-Swede Anders Hultqvist and Norwegian Per Engseth. April 13 is also the birthday of German Rallycrosser Robert Müller. A very Happy Birthday from ERC24 to both!

Note: In case you want to leave your own birthday wishes to one of the Rallycross drivers here please use our comment box below. If you are able to fill gaps in our birthday list please give us the name and date of birth (day, month and year) of the current or ex Rallycross driver by a comment below or by email to Thanking you in anticipation!