Countdown to WRX of Spain (CEST)

11 Jun 2012

Ton of fun in Texas

Category: ERC24 invited, Tanner Foust Posted 11.06.12 10:16 by

“Yes, the Texas event was typical Texas style… Big! The crowd was big, the track was big and the jump was BIG!”


“It’s hard to believe that even half of the field that was still in one piece after running the race! The landing was so much harder than it looked and with literally no testing time to adjust the cars for the jump the carnage was exceptional.”

“My car’s alternator became dislodged allowing the battery to drain. By the last lap the engine could only make spark to 3000 rpm so I had to take the jump in 5th instead of 3rd gear. This made it impossible to gage speed and I overshot the landing completely and nosed the car straight to asphalt. Travis did the same in practice and turned his car into a banana, so I think the Ford proved its strength there by finishing the race. The final ended up being 16 laps after two restarts. It was too much for the cars and for most of the drivers.”

“I am happy with the result but the weekend was tough on the teams; I understand the door to door racing can cause attrition in the field but half of the cars that showed up to Texas simply didn’t survive the track GRC had constructed. It still was a ton of fun!”


Tanner Foust



More images of Tanner in the Drivers’ section here!