Countdown to WRX of Spain (CEST)

06 Dec 2013

WRX: Cab riding Ramona

Category: ERC, News Posted 06.12.13 17:00 by

Ramona Karlsson, Sweden’s most successful female Rally driver, is offering a taxi service to find sponsors for WorldRX.


Ramona Karlsson is testing new ways to find sponsors and future partners in preparation for her upcoming World Rallycross Championship commitment. Just in time for the Christmas rush Ramona is going to act as a cabby for Stockholm’s stressed marketing managers and possible future sponsors. She will make sure that her passengers get quick and safe drives, while she gets the opportunity to make valuable contacts.

The coming week 32 years old Ramona Karlsson sits behind the steering wheel to act as a chauffeur for marketing managers in the busy before Christmas capital of Stockholm. Commuter trains, busses and the metro are uncertain to rely on in the winter, and to book a taxi can sometimes be next to impossible. Therefore, Ramona will be on service to make sure that her passengers are coming in time to work, to their meetings, or that they can bring all their presents home.

The future Rallycross lady is now in the right mood for what she calls ‘the sponsor season’. It is during this time of the year that she chases for contracts with sponsors, to fund the 2014 season. She is not only one of Sweden’s top Rally drivers, but also a clever entrepreneur, who created her own team and the company around her.

“That I offer myself to be a chauffeur for marketing managers from December 9 to 15 in Stockholm is not a career change, but a chance for me to get in touch with decision makers, who can determine and help me with the venture I started. I’ll get up to chase all over the city for free. The only thing I hope for is that they listen carefully to my efforts, and to what I can do for the company that wants to invest in me,” tells Karlsson.

After recently becoming the first woman ever to claim an overall victory in a Swedish Rally Championship round Ramona Karlsson from Kil has decided that her next career step would be to compete as the sole female SuperCar driver in the 2014 World Rallycross Championship. “My dream is to race on home soil at Höljes in my Swedish Värmland region as well as in the whole of Rallycross, the fastest growing motorsport in the world, that runs in stadiums and is followed by millions of people around the globe. My goal is to fight at the very top of that sport, and therefore I need the right sponsors to make my dream come true.”


Photo: Ramona Karlsson is ready to offer her service as a cabby. © Ramona Rallying/ERC24