Countdown to WRX of Spain (CEST)

28 Mar 2012

Norwegian moods in USA

Category: April, News, Shortcuts Posted 28.03.12 11:47 by

Rallycross ace Frode Holte and long time companion Tine Lise Larsen marry in Miami is proud to announce to its readers the recent wedding of Norwegian Rallycross ace Frode Holte and his long time fiancé Tine Lise Larsen. The couple went to Florida in the USA where they celebrated their marriage on Friday March 17th in “Hennes Kongelige Høyhet Mette-Marits kirke” [“Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Mette-Marit’s church”], a Norwegian seamen’s church of Miami. Frode and Tine Lise have been a pair since they both were 15 years old, for a total of 14 years prior to their marriage. Since January 22nd 2010 they have a daughter by the name of Isabel. While the surname of Isabel is Holte, Tine Lise chose her new family name to be Larsen Holte.