Countdown to WRX of Spain (CEST)

21 Jun 2012

Troubled by more troubles

Category: ERC, June, News, Shortcuts Posted 21.06.12 13:01 by

Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you, but Swede Peter Hedström is really fed up with all the problems he is facing.

It could well be that Swede Peter Hedström will be at Hell as either a spectator or just to do more testing for the for him much more important home ERC round at Höljes. “Currently I’m really fed up and tired of all the crap I’m facing. During tests we f*** another engine. As if it would not be enough that the ERC season has so badly started for us. We got this engine less than a week ago, but it did not last for long. Two engines and one turbo already gone before the season started. Then our bus crashed. Lydden became a nightmare, Dreux resultet in a disqualification, Greinbach had a top result on offer, but in the A final all went wrong, and the five points from Hungary were also not helpful to raise the mood. Now more troubles ahead of Norway! Okay, let’s face it like it is. As I’m down in the point standings anyway it is not that important any longer. But I want to go to Hell for testing prior to the Höljes event, another engine should be fixed in time. The Höljes home round is a must for me, and if all goes wrong I hope I can get a very similar spare car to my own from a friend in Germany [René Münnich’s incredible Škoda Fabia Mk2 SuperCar with 584bhp and 884Nm torque?],” told the Rallycrosser, who will team-up with WRC ace “P-G” Andersson at Höljes, yesterday at his home town Torsby in Värmland.


Photo: Peter Hedström scored his best result so far in Greinbach. © JKR/ERC24