Countdown to WRX of Spain (CEST)

05 Jul 2012

Östlund disappointed

Category: ERC, July, News, Shortcuts Posted 05.07.12 18:15 by

Morgan Östlund, Finnskoga MK chairman and Clerk of the Course at Höljes, is all but happy with the proceedings of the Swedish ERC round last Sunday.


In a short interview with ‘Sveriges Radio – Värmland P4’ Morgan Östlund, spokesman of Finnskoga Motorklubb, since 1991 the organiser of all ERC rounds at Höljes in the North of the Swedish Värmland region, yesterday morning expressed the disappointment of his club especially about the decisions of the FIA and the Stewards of the Meeting to change the outcome of their event. Several drivers were excluded or downgraded after the finals, among them homeboy “Stecka” Walfridsson who had to accept that the third place he had claimed in the SuperCars A final was eventually awarded to Norwegian Alexander Hvaal.

“We really do our best by watching into every aspect of our event. We work all the time to improve our track while we notice that other organisers are not on par with our standards. Therefore, I feel they should better look a bit more to other venues as if they do,” claimed Östlund to P4. His club has been hailed no less than 9 times the ‘Best ERC Round Organiser of the Year’ within the 17 runnings of a European round at Höljes.

Finnskoga MK seems to be uncertain yet as if the club should concentrate purely on the ERC for the future. Some time ago the Höljes organiser expressed his interest in running a European round of the so far all-American Global RallyCross Championship. But as it is almost certain that the GRC is going to make part of the 2013 Worldwide organised X Games with European rounds in Munich and Barcelona the re-birth of the so-called ‘Mästarmöte” [Champions Meeting] is back on the club’s round table for to be discussed. Then we can decide ourself what drivers to invite and what price money we like to spend, is the oppinion of the people at Höljes.


Photo: This result did not last for long, Stig-Olov Walfridsson (right) was a little later fourth instead of third. © JKR/ERC24


The interview for those who understand Swedish.