Countdown to WRX of Spain (CEST)

13 Aug 2012

FIA vs. GRC?

Category: GRC, News, Shortcuts Posted 13.08.12 17:34 by

Today the organisers of the Global RallyCross Championship (GRC) released a statement on FIA licenses.


“GRC has been aware for some time of the potential implications regarding international drivers holding an FIA license competing in the Global Rallycross Championship. As a result, we have been in diligent and constant dialog with various sanctioning bodies and National Sporting Authorities on the matter and all parties are working to reach a solution to allow the continued participation of non-U.S. licensed drivers without FIA licensing interruption. While we retain the utmost respect for the FIA and the international conventions that govern motorsport, it is important during this early growth phase to assess all of the potential sanctioning opportunities before deciding on the course most appropriate for the benefit of the series, it’s competitors and sponsors.”


Here one can find news ERC24 published already in April 2011:


Photo: Frenchman Stéphane Verdier and his Hyundai Veloster pictured during the GRC round in Charlotte. © QBA/ERC24