Countdown to WRX of Spain (CEST)

07 Jan 2013

2012 ERC Rookie

Category: ERC, News Posted 07.01.13 13:40 by

Alexander Hvaal and Peter Hedström (in SuperCars), Vadim Makarov and Eric Färén (in Super1600s), as well as Anton Marklund and Robin Larsson (in TouringCars) are the six drivers YOU can vote for.


Herewith we at ERC24 are inviting all of our readers to vote for the ‘ERC Overall Rookie of the Year 2012’ poll. We have pre-selected two drivers from among the first ten overall finishers of each of the three car classes. All six have completed their first “full” European Rallycross Championship season by doing a minimum of eight of the ten 2012 events counting for the titles. Now it is up to YOU to decide who should be tagged ‘The 2012 ERC Rookie’ for all times, so please choose your favourite competitor here:


ERC Overall Rookie of the Year 2012

  • Anton Marklund (29%, 1,849 Votes)
  • Vadim Makarov (25%, 1,608 Votes)
  • Robin Larsson (18%, 1,132 Votes)
  • Alexander Hvaal (12%, 787 Votes)
  • Peter Hedström (12%, 782 Votes)
  • Eric Färén (3%, 166 Votes)

Total Voters: 6,324

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Please note that this poll will be finished by January 31 2013 at 24.00h CET and that the system is set to only one vote per IP for a duration of 24 hours.

Note also that the driver of your own choice is visible in bold letters, but only for yourself.