Countdown to WRX of Spain (CEST)

07 Apr 2012

Timerzyanov not in the UK

Category: April, ERC, News, Shortcuts Posted 07.04.12 10:35 by

Russian faced visa problems at the airport to leave Hansen Motorsport at Lydden without its Number One.


ERC24 was informed that Russian Timur Timerzyanov was denied by the British custom authorities to enter the United Kingdom and, subsequently flew back to Russia. The number #1 driver of Kenneth Hansen’s team and one of the top favourites for the 2012 title stumbled over problems with his visa and it is currently not known if “TT” will find a last chance to be able to participate in the 2012 ERC opening round at Lydden Hill. As soon as we got additional info we are going to update this news, so stay tuned.


Update of 08.04.12 at 10:45 CET: ERC24 has just received information from Hansen Motorsport that their Number One driver Timur Timerzyanov will not be competing in England this weekend! It appears that Timerzyanov travelled with a valid tourist visa, but needed another visa due to the fact that, according to the authorities, he was going to carry out some “work” at the Lydden Hill Race Circuit…