Countdown to WRX of Spain (CEST)

25 Nov 2012

Walking in dad’s shoes

Category: News, Shortcuts Posted 25.11.12 21:23 by

Former F1 driver and double 24h of Le Mans winner Alex Wurz is keen to walk in the shoes of his dad, triple European Rallycross Champion Franz Wurz.


During a recent interview with the Austrian website former Formula One driver and double 24 Hours of Le Mans winner (1996 and 2009) Alexander Wurz was asked about Toyota and their WRC plans, but his answer revealed his love for the motorsport that made his father triple ERC winner (1974, 1976 and 1982) Franz Wurz famous.

Question: “As you know our readers are very keen on Rallying. What do you know about Toyota entering the World Rally Championship?”

Answer: “I know very little about the project, but I’ve told them that I would like to drive the car when it is ready. However, listening to my Dirt Track heart I prefer to learn that Rallycross gets more and more attention these days. Even in the United States it is becoming big now and I understood that the X Games are ready for their brake through. I sincerely hope that this is also the trend for Austria and Europe, because I rate Rallycross as one of the most exciting sports I know. And when the day comes that I retire from being a professional racer and I have enough pocket money I would like to walk in the shoes of my dad and compete in a couple of Rallycross events.”

Remains the question if Alexander Wurz could be a wildcard driver for the 2013 ERC round at his native PS Racing Center in Greinbach…