Countdown to WRX of Spain (CEST)

05 Apr 2012

“My biggest C4 improvements ever!”

Category: April, ERC, News Posted 05.04.12 16:43 by

Morten Bermingrud is ready for ERC opener with rebuild C4 and all-new Oreca engine.


Morten Bermingrud has told ERC24 that he is ready for the ERC season opener at Lydden Hill in England. During the Winter his team has stripped his Citroën Supercar down to the bones and then rebuilt it to the best possible standards. After an engine fire during the Austrian ERC round in early September 2011 the C4 had been in a terrible state as the job of the firemen took too much time to save the engine and its compartment.


“Over the Winter we have made the biggest improvements ever to my car, but the most important step forward is possibly the all-new Oreca motor I got from France just three weeks ago. With this latest specs engine my C4 will be on par with all other top Citroën’s of the ERC. However, we have not yet decided about our entire European programme for this year, but it is almost certain that we will be at the starting grids of at least five to six ERC events,” said Bermingrud a week before leaving for the ERC start at Lydden.