Countdown to WRX of Spain (CEST)

14 May 2012

Is Poland yet lost?

Category: ERC, May, News, Shortcuts Posted 14.05.12 11:19 by

After the cancellation of the FIA CEZ Rallycross Trophy event of June 10 at Słomczyn the future of Polish Rallycross remains uncertain.


Just a couple of days ago the Polish round of the FIA Central European Zone Rallycross Trophy, to be held on June 9 and 10 at Słomczyn, was cancelled by organiser Automobilklub Rzemieślnik. The race should have counted for the Polish as well as the Lithuanian Rallycross Championships too. As a result the 2012 Polish Rallycross Championship will now consist of four rounds only, but none of them will take place in Poland… While Round 1 was held in Austria (Melk, April 22) and Round 2 yesterday in Hungary (Nyirád, May 13), the remaining two events shall be in Lithuania (Vilkyčiai, August 26) and the Czech Republic (Sosnová, October 21).


The first Polish Rallycross Championship was organised in the year 2000 at two different venues, Słomczyn and Toruń, the same year that Słomczyn hosted the first ERC round for Poland. Between 2000 and 2004 the Polish championship series saw a total of seven events, all held at the two tracks. While in 2005, 06 and 07 five PLRC rounds took place, and in 2008 a total of six, the first nosedive came in 2009 with just two events, both held at Słomczyn. Toruń was back to business for just one more year, the 2010 series had four events on offer. While the last Toruń event was organised on September 26 2010, Słomczyn went on for another year. The PLRC round on June 19 2011 took place, but the finale of the native series, foreseen for September 25 (just a fortnight after the Polish ERC round at the same venue), was cancelled.


It is certain now, that there will be no round of the 2012 Polish Rallycross Championship held in native Poland. But the question remains if Poland will still be a candidate for the 2013 European Rallycross Championship…


Photo caption:

On September 24 2000 Jean-Luc Pailler (Peugeot 206 WRC) won the first ever ERC round at Tor Słomczyn. © Eddi Laumanns/ERC24