Countdown to WRX of Spain (CEST)

30 Jun 2012

Larsson awaits SC drive

Category: ERC, June, News, Shortcuts Posted 30.06.12 20:37 by

Johan Larsson’s planned inaugural SuperCar drive this weekend is postponed until the end of the Swedish season.

Hansen Motorsport driver Johan Larsson swapped seats with re-branded brother Eric Färén this season, but in turn gained the right to live out his long-term goal of driving a SuperCar at this year’s ERC round of Sweden.

Hansen Motorsport had announced earlier this year that: “Johan will begin his SuperCar career rather smoothly, starting with a few races in a Citroën C4 this season.” But Johan had highlighted plans that detailed a DS3 drive at his home event in Höljes. Although that which he was to use is in fact across the Atlantic, having been adapted for X Games and it’s driver Sébastien Loeb. The youngster was offered the opportunity to travel out with the Hansen Motorsport team, which he has rightly taken.

Larsson is adamant that he will now get his first SuperCar drive at the Kinnekulle Ring as part of the Swedish Championship, which presents many top SuperCar drivers to compete in ‘The Race of Champions’ which last featured the likes of Stig-Olov Walfridsson, Mats Öhman and Peter Hedström.


Photo: Johan Larsson pictured competing in Sweden last year. © QBA/ERC24