Countdown to WRX of Spain (CEST)

29 Oct 2012


Category: Press Releases Posted 29.10.12 20:01 by

Plans for next year’s ERC series have been presented by the new promoter IMG and Norway will be one of the ten host nations.

For the first time a professional promoter will be involved in the European Rallycross Championship, and there is a lot of new things going on as the International Managing Group (IMG) now takes responsibility for much of the marketing, promotion and implementation of the championship. IMG is the world’s largest independent provider of television images of sports and athletics and has great faith in the sport in which Norway and Norwegians have ruled since the 1970s.

“I am very pleased that we will be hosts next year. We had the first round of the European Rallycross Championship at Lyngås near Drammen already in 1980, and with the exception of two years we have always arranged rounds of the championship in Norway. Since Martin Schanche claimed his first European title in 1978, Norwegian drivers brought home a total of 24 ERC gold medals in the different classes. This says something about Norway’s position in international Rallycross,” claims NBF President Roar Forgaard. The ASN chairman has played a key role in the negotiations on future European championship rounds in Norway.

“There are many positive forces that now stand united behind this European initiative. The NAF departments of Stjørdal and South Trøndelag, NAF Motorsport Trøndelag,  NAF central and also we at NBF will be active partners in the events. Thus we have the necessary resources, both financial and manpower wise to carry great events at the Lånkebanen,” says Forgaard.

The final dates for next year’s championship series have not yet be confirmed adopted by the FIA. However, it is clear that there are ten rounds to come, and that the Norwegian round will be arranged on June 15 and 16. There will be some changes in the runnings of the 2013 ERC rounds, but the classes will remain the same. The category for TouringCars, for Super1600s and for SuperCars. Therefore, also the technical regulations for the Rallycross cars will be the same as for the last couple of years.